
For the best start in life... KidooLand is a pre-school and afterschool club with a wide range of activities for 0-10 year old children and their parents under one roof.

activite eveil

Pre-School Bilingual Playgroup

Toddlers are adept communicators even without the power of speech! You will no doubt have noticed your little cherub shows what she wants or needs through her actions, such as pointing at a toy or leading you by the hand to open a door for them.

When they crawl or walk to you, or tap your leg, they are using gestures to communicate a full sentence, such as "Mummy,can you read this book"

Maybe you have a curious and active toddler who needs to make her own friends but isn't old enough for school. Well the International Rainbows Playgroup is for you!


Excellent problem solvers, they begin to understand cause and effect, and what order is needed to reach a goal. This is known as "motor planning." Through imitation, they come to understand how and why an object is used and put it into practise.

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Bilingual Activity Center Vallauris Cote d'Azur - fun for all the family - for Mums 2B, 0-10 years

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Copyright © 2006 - 2024 KidooLand! by KidooKid - Association KidooKid but non Lucratif selon la loi 1901 All rights reserved.

Les activites se deroulent: Porte 10 1890 Chemin de Saint Bernard 06220 Sophia Antipolis vers Vallauris

Siège social : 19 Rue de Lepante 06000 Nice