

For the best start in life... KidooLand is a pre-school and afterschool club with a wide range of activities for 0-10 year old children and their parents under one roof.

activite eveil

KidooCamps Holiday Clubs for Kids ©

KidooCamps Holiday Activity Clubs


The English KidooCamps are great for beginners showing an interest in English and bilingual kids needing to develop their competencies and also to show they can be top of the class and meet other bilinguals like them.



The French KidooCamps are perfect for encouraging creative expression that might be lost in the bigger class sizes at school.

Crammed full of theme appropriate ideas, we have made didgeridoos, Cinderella shoes, Viking boats, costumes and pictures from sweets mmmm yummy!

The focus was fun with expression through acting,singing moving and creating and daily language was reinforced all the time "What does Robin Hood wear on his head?" .. "What colours can you see on a wigwam" ... .. numbers, colours, weather, clothes, body parts etc were all covered.

Here are some of the prevous Themes (as of March 2008 we had organised over 32 different weeks!)

Ice Age

Fairy Tales

Sea World-Finding Nemo

Wizards & Wands


Asterix & Cleopatra

Treasure Island

Australia & Oceania

Cowboys & Indians

Fairy Tales


King Arthur


Robin Hood

Super Heros


Wizard of Oz

USA - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

USA - Bugs Bunny and his Rabbit friends (and lots of chocolate!)






Our KidooCamps are very popular. We combine fun with structured learning in English or French and have a new theme for each week.

If you have a bilingual child they will love our NEW bilingual workshops in the summer. See right...

In the Summer we also run the KidooCamps in French. Perfect for children starting school in September and for those on holiday.

NEW This summer Wednesdays will be outdoors!! We are very lucky to be situated right next to a huge Natural Reserve Park and so on Wednesdays (weather permitting) activities will happen in the Valmasque park. This will enable us to enjoy sports day, nature rambles and enjoy the great outdoors.

In August, as in 2007, we will be also goin on Friday outings to local theme parks and attractions.

Activities will be conducted in the language you sign up to and so brings real experience to all the learning!


During the standard KidooCamps: Studying our theme we will cover the following elements ...

  • Geography : The weather & climate, countries of the world, traditional dress & habitat
  • History: Through storytime we will learn more about our theme.
  • Mathematics: Shapes, Counting, adding and subtracting .. More complex for older children.
  • Science: We will perform an experiment and see what happens!
  • Music: Using Percussion Instruments we discover music from around the world.
  • Expression: Poetry,  dressing up, performing, singing and dancing
  • Art and Creativity: The aim is to produce work to take home to show mum and dad … we can also make costumes and scenery for show time.

_KidooCamps Holidays clubs 2009

This year we are travelling around the world and looking at the geography of each place we go to...


6-10/07 : Outer Space, Wall-E and E.T. and Robots

13-17/07: France and Beauty and the Beast

20-24/07: Africa and the Lion King

27-31/07: Alladin and ALi Baba in the Middle East


3-7/08 :   China and Kung-Fu Panda

10-14/08: Pirates of the Carribean and under the sea with the Little Mermaid

17-20/08:England with Alice in Wonderland and Indiana Jones!


Harry Potter!!







We will be running special drama - arts workshops through the summer open to anyone with a fluency in the English Language and a love of the Performing Arts, aged 6-10 years.


contact us for details.


INSCRIPTION (registration form) and paperwork needed and what to bring to the stage


Q: My child (mother tongue English) needs to speak more French do you have anything suitable?

A: Yes our French KidooCamps are perfect for Anglophones going to French school who could do with an French boost in a gentle and nurturing environment. The focus is on fun and expression through creativity, culture and art . For younger pre-school members we would also recommend the Playgroups - set up for the founders own children to prepare for school. Learning the basics of the classroom from equipment, childhood songs to snack time and comfort breaks.

Q: My child (mother tongue English) is showing an interest in learning English .. do you have anything suitable?

A: Yes our KidooCamps are a great way to test the water to see if it really is for them before signing up for weekly sessions. Perfect for beginners we start with the basics focussing on vocab in the same way you do with your 1st language. Using total immersion, the children develop their existing language skills in a natural way .. colours, numbers, clothes, body, weather, etc. Our instructors are all mother tongue English,trained and experienced in Early Years development. We will focus on with a max of 10 children in the class and Mother tongue English speakers we would be working on language development, new vocab keeping it fun!

Q: My child is bilingual - what would KidooLand have on offer?

A: KidooLand is a great environment for your child to meet other bilingual kids .. this is really important to meet "others like me". We can take the language to the next level. As more and more bilingual children join KidooLand so we are upping the language level to stretch them too. We enjoyed a Global Fun Session on the Pyramids and Volcanoes, discussed why it rains, how to make the colour purple, who was the wizard of Oz and much more. The older and bilingual children were encouraged to quiz the other children and act as the teacher - allowing them the opportunity to show they excel in English, the minority language here in France. As KidooLand grows so we will be able to further sub-divide the classes so that age and level are finely tuned.

Contact us about our fun performing arts workshops for younger children 6-10 years for summer 2008.

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Bilingual Activity Center Vallauris Cote d'Azur - fun for all the family - for Mums 2B, 0-10 years

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Copyright © 2006 - 2024 KidooLand! by KidooKid - Association KidooKid but non Lucratif selon la loi 1901 All rights reserved.

Les activites se deroulent: Porte 10 1890 Chemin de Saint Bernard 06220 Sophia Antipolis vers Vallauris

Siège social : 19 Rue de Lepante 06000 Nice