
For the best start in life... KidooLand is a pre-school and afterschool club with a wide range of activities for 0-10 year old children and their parents under one roof.

activite eveil

KidooDance ©

Awareness and Initiation to music and dance will enable your child do awaken their artistic notions. Learning the fundamental basics to danse through musique and movement, your child will experience music from around the world, loud soft, fast slow and understand how to express their internal energy and feelings in an artistic and creative way.

As will all our sessions learning how to listen, interpret, understand and follow instructions is a key part to your child's overall education. Understanind space and respecting it, easy movements and gracefulness in a fun and relaxed atmosphere.

Again we keep the classes small to ensure your child has quality time, support and attention and space to learn and grow! This is particularly important for reserved children who may be overwhelmed in a big class, or mischievous children who get lost in the crowd or those who need a little extra guidance motricity skills.

KidooKids© for little TinkerBells and Peter Pans every where..

Using  music and movement this is also fun way to encourage social awareness and stimulate early brain development. Your child’s new sense of balance, coordination and strength and observe how your child interacts and plays with other children as their learning style begins to emerge. These earl classes focus on body awareness and control, coordination, interpretation and memory skills. They are kept light and friendly - we're not expecting ballerinas here!

KidooGrands© Music in Motion while Mum goes and enjoys some shopping!

Learning to listen to instructions, sessions are now based around themes and focus on even more challenging task sequences. As the more confident child now participates on his/her own, tasks are designed to further develop a child's co-ordination, skills, body awareness and control bringing in elements from the more traditional dance classes such as classic, contemporary and modern.

These are designed to enable children to develop their self confidence, sense of balance, co-ordination and agility.

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Bilingual Activity Center Vallauris Cote d'Azur - fun for all the family - for Mums 2B, 0-10 years

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Copyright © 2006 - 2024 KidooLand! by KidooKid - Association KidooKid but non Lucratif selon la loi 1901 All rights reserved.

Les activites se deroulent: Porte 10 1890 Chemin de Saint Bernard 06220 Sophia Antipolis vers Vallauris

Siège social : 19 Rue de Lepante 06000 Nice