
For the best start in life... KidooLand is a pre-school and afterschool club with a wide range of activities for 0-10 year old children and their parents under one roof.

activite eveil

The Team

The KidooTeam is made up of many different people who work for Associations or who have a small company or are Freelance. Here is a snapshot of our team .. it's not obligatory but most of our team are parents!

Antonia Beauvoisin

antonia beauvoisin

Directrice of KidooLand & Team Leader of the Anglophone.

Webmaster for site KidooKid with 4,027,500 visited pages by 484,600+ individual visitors in 2008.

Avec l'Association KidooKid


Antonia holds a degree Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Applied Languages : Linguistiques, French and Russian from the University of Brighton,Sussex England. Core subjects included Translation for Business purposes, Analysis into Second Language Acquisition, Natural Language Processing and Machine Translation.

She holds a TESOL certificate for Teaching English as a Second Language and worked for the French Education System in 2 colleges in Angers for Primary classes. Since 2004 she has continued her language teaching on the Cote d'Azur .

Before coming to France, she worked for American Express for 7 years as a Project Manager and Operations Leader in I.T. Her training courses included Building Effective Teams, Collaborating and Negotiating, Situational Leadership,Facilitation skills, Project Management (AEPM), Time Management & Organisational Skills and techincal training courses.

In 2002, she co-founded an Au Pair agency which she co-directed for 3 years.

She holds a 1st Aid certificate from the British Red Cross in England and a Certificat de secourisme from the Red Cross in France (2008)

"I am fascinated by languages and their acquisition. At Kidooland our aim is to provdie a fun environment for all the family. Kidooland is the place where mums can come, have a chat, drink a coffee, surf the internet while their children access sessions that allow them to consolidate learnings and develop their potential."

Antonia is also a mum.

In addition to her work with the Association, Antonia has also set up her own company Big Ben Group (BB Groupe SARL) which, in partnership with KidooLand is developing adult workshops and seminars, social activities, advice and support for Internationals on the Cote d'Azur.

Mandy Evans


Responsable Bilinguisme & Anglais Primaire

Avec l'Association KidooKid

Mandy Evans has over 25 years experience in teaching in both England and then for the Faculty of Languages in Hong Kong before coming to the Cote d'Azur in 2008.

Mandy holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English and History, an MBA in Applied Linguistics and a PGCE from Thames Valley University, London.

She leads activities for the KidooGrands on Wednesdays, Saturdays and in school holidays.

Mandy is also a mum.



Melina Olliver


Responsable Francais & Histoire d'Art

Avec l'Association Folie en Tete

folie en tete


Melina Olliver organises the artistic activities and French section at Kidooland.

MBA in History of Art, DEUG et Degree d'Histoire d'Art from the Université de Rennes II

She also holds a BAFA brevet and Certificat de secourisme from the Red Cross in France (2008)

Working closely with several Mairies, she organises artistic sessions in schools, creches, ludotheques and cultural centres in the region.

Melina is also a mum.



Laura Vivash

Animatrice & Playworker en Anglais

Avec l'Association KidooKid



Laura leads fun English activities o nce per week helping children to discover the world of play through English. Her skills include creative art, music and cooking.

She holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Modern Languages - French and Grerman from the University of Durham in England.

She teaches English in 3 primary schools in Cannes.


Karen Perret


Playworker section Anglophone

Avec l'Association KidooKid

Before working at Kidooland, Karen lived in Surrey in England where she studied and took her A Levels.

She came to France where she worked as a translator for the publishers NATHAN children's books before going on to co-produce the record “The Children’s Day” a bilingual song for Children.

After having 2 children, Karen taught English as a private tutor before assisting in French maternelle classes in Juan Les Pins.

Karen holds a Certificat de secourisme from the Red Cross in France (2008)

Laura Doughty


Animatrice & Playworker en Anglais

Avec l'Association KidooKid

Laura is a Playworker for fun English activities and also organises Birthday parties.

She holds an International Bac from the CIV and is perfectly bilingual. She is currently studying a psychology degree at the University of Nice.

Once a week she comes to Kidooland to help children discover shakespear language through games, music and movement and creative art.

Laura holds a Certificat de secourisme from the Red Cross in France (2008)

Sandrine Giordanengo


Freelance Intervenante de Musique

Eveil Musicale


Sandrine is our music teacher. She comes in once a week to help under 3s discover the wornderful world of music.

Accompanied by a multitude of percussion instruments, a violin and piano she opens our ears to many different styles.

She holds a DEUG in musicology and previously worked in the private schoold La Recréation and École des Champs.

She also has a working knowledge from school of Russian.

Alya Howe


Yoga Adultes & Enfants

Freelance - Liberale


Alya Howe is a freelance Yoga teacher who works out of many studios on the Cote d'Azur. At KidooLand she organises yoga for Kids and yoga for Mums.

Alya is a certified Bikram and Core Power Yoga teacher, Cranial Sacral Therapist, Connective Tissue Therapist, Movement Analyst.

She has taught Dance and Yoga for 25 years in England, USA and France and is also a mum.

Aurore Negre

Assistante de la Directrice. Chef des Projets Marketing et Communication.

Avec l'Association KidooKid


Since 2007 she has studied Business Management at CERAM Business college. Currently in her second year she is completing an Internship in 2009 with KidooLand.

Aurore is responsible for the Administration, Inscriptions, Marketing and Communication for the English and French sections.

She speaks fluent French and English with a school level in Spanish.

She also holds a diploma that allows her to teach sailing and is also a mum.



A non-profit organisation founded by French and English Osteopaths. They run a baby clinic on Tuesday afternoons from KidooLand for children age 0-6 years. To get more info or make an appointment please call

Rejoignez l'équipe

We are looking for people to lead some sessions at KidooLand.

  • An Italian speaking playworker NOW

  • A bilingual French/English Art teacher September 2009

    English speaking holiday playworkers October 2009

Italian "Eveil" Immediate :Someone who is free on a Wednesday afternoon for an hour.Mother tongue Italian - we want the kids to learn Italian in a fun way and so it's important you have a clear and easily understood accent. (We already do this in French and English so this time it is for someone who was raised in an Italian speaking country and therefore has the naturalness we're looking for) A good level of French or English is also required.

An Art teacher September 2009: Someone who is available on a Wednesday afternoon for an hour or 2 to lead school age children in Art and Craft work . English must be to a 1st language level as the idea of this activity is to learn English through creative play. You will be given the themes ahead of time and will need to plan your session accordingly ensuring that key English words are used to reinforce learning while being creative!


Successful applicants should note: We take the security of our children very seriously and so will need to also have written references which will be verbally checked, a police record check which must be clean and a medical certificate stating you are fit to work with children before you can start but once the adminstration is out of the way you can come and join the fun!


Perhaps you run an activity or association and have a new idea for a class or workshop ..

Or you have a proven track record teaching, recognised qualifications, have the necessary experience with Eary Years Development and the right to live and work in France

then contact us!

We always want to hear from future team members who can plan lessons in advance falling within the chosen themes is enthusiastic, inspirational, cheerful, responsible and reliable.

Download an application form here which you can email back in the first instance. Reference form

Stage 2 will require you coming along for a chat and see if you like the look of us and where you will be put through your paces by a 3 and 5 year old in your chosen domain.

NB Before any post can be offered full security checks will be taken out.


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Bilingual Activity Center Vallauris Cote d'Azur - fun for all the family - for Mums 2B, 0-10 years

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Link to our Site - Links - Annuaire Emareva - French Creative Activites - Birthday Party
Copyright © 2006 - 2024 KidooLand! by KidooKid - Association KidooKid but non Lucratif selon la loi 1901 All rights reserved.

Les activites se deroulent: Porte 10 1890 Chemin de Saint Bernard 06220 Sophia Antipolis vers Vallauris

Siège social : 19 Rue de Lepante 06000 Nice